For a variety of circumstances, many youngsters are not afforded the opportunity to experience the wonders of being on the ocean learning about the ecosystems in our coastal waters. Enjoying a day on the water, feeling the ocean breeze, viewing marine life in its natural habitat, and experiencing the joy of fishing can truly broaden a child’s horizons perhaps becoming a life-changing experience. Each year, thousands of kids benefit from our program. In addition to the marine-awareness trips, we partner with other organizations to provide even more chances for kids to go fishing at various scheduled fresh and saltwater events.
While we concentrate on serving disadvantaged, physically challenged, and at-risk youth, we welcome any group of kids based on available funding and co-sponsorship. Once a trip is requested and granted, Captain Rollo’s Kids at Sea provides lunch, beverages, snack and all necessary fishing equipment along with expert instruction from the Captain and crew on a Coast Guard approved fishing vessel. Sportfishing landings and boats involved in our program are located at waterfront locations from San Diego to San Francisco.